Welcome to the world of blogging! Thanks for being willing to jump in (for those who are new.) We will make sure everyone is an author so we can all share. If we are missing someone, give us their e-mail address and we will invite them.
We will use the blog to post information on our practices and performances but also feel free to add anything fun from your personal life. If you really want to keep business to e-mail let us know. Hopefully everyone will be willing to post on the blog. If you have questions about blogging we will answer them at practice, on the blog or through e-mail.
Happy blogging!
Wow! that was fast. It will be fun to have a Blog for the Singing Ladies.
It was SOOO good to see everyone today! I am so glad we have connected with each other through Gloria and have such great friendships that span the WORLD!!! (Thanks to Catherine) I am now an official blogger! I've posted 5 comments and only had to delete one because I forgot to add an attachment within the comment - sorry Shauna, you're the guinea pig! I'm a happy blogger - maybe one day, I'll be a happy cell phone owner (shhh, don't tell my daughter!)
Hi Ladies, Catherine would like to be intived to this blog if she hasen't yet.
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