Monday, August 11, 2008

Not YouTube

We promised it wouldn't show up on YouTube. Enjoy!

I came home and talked to the two babysitters we had here about "Big Booty." They were both familiar with the game and were excited to play. One of them said that in her version, if you got out three times you had to spell your name with your booty! Too bad for Annalise (nice long name.)


Anonymous said...

ROTFLOL that is too funny.

JoDell said...

SHAUNA!!!!!! YOU PROMISED!!! What a goober! Have so much fun Wigalowing and Big Bootying at camp!

Love ya even though "you are not my favorite person right now!" (Name the movie.)


Shauna said...

Is the movie "Dan in Real Life?" My favorite quote from that movie was (and could apply here to me from you) "When I think of you, I'll think of your FLAWS!"

My kids and I have been watching your video trying to learn how to Wigalow. I've been a real dork trying to think of my moves and trying them out in front of my kids and the bathroom mirror. Have a good laugh on me for that one!

JoDell said...

That's a very appropriate line too, but the movie I was quoting is "Fools Rush In."

Oh well - I hope you all hve several good laughs at my expense!!!