Thursday, February 26, 2009

Temple Square 2009

I can call and schedule our Temple Square performance starting Monday morning. From these options, let me know when you would like to sing:

From Nov 28 to Dec 23 then again Dec 26 and 27

Assembly Hall Tues -Sun 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30
South Visitor's Center Tues-Sun 6, 7 and 8
JSMB Mon-Sat 1,2,3,4 and5
Church Office Building Mon-Fri 12 noon and 1
Museum of Church History and Art Tues-Fri 7
Family History Library Mon at 4 or Tues-Sat 12:00 noon and 4

I need to call Monday morning so we can get our first pick.
I think I'd vote for JSMB and South Visitor's Center again. Maybe 5:00 and 7:00 on a Friday or Saturday.
Let me know what you want.


Annalise said...

I loved our schedule this year. I say any of the first 3 Fridays with a 4:00 & 7:00 performance again.

Annalise said...

After reading Shauna's post more carefully, I agree: Fri or Sat; 5:00 & 7:00, or 4:00 & 7:00.

Anonymous said...

I like 4:00 and 7:00 and it might be fun to sing at the assembly hall at 8:30

Amy K said...

I think 4:00 or 7:00 then it will be easier to eat in between :) And I agree with Larna, it might be fun to do the Assembly Hall at 8:30 if that's available. It would make for a long evening and a long time away from our families and that's something to consider, but if everyone is up for it, it might be fun.

Shauna said...

I called this morning at 8:30 so I could get a good time. I can't believe how full they were already! I know there are groups that get to sign up before us but I'm not sure what kind of groups they are.
Anyway, the only night performance on a weekend in the South Visitors center was Sat. Dec 5th at 8:00. I scheduled the JSMB for 5:00 that same day. If you have a problem with those two times or that day let me know as soon as possible and I'll call again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shauna, it sounds good.

Jenni said...

Sounds good to me, too. :)

Becky said...

Thanks for doing this! It sounds great to me!

Kerstin said...

Awesome! Thanks Shauna.