Who can attend our practice on Feb. 12?
Shauna - no
Shelli - conflict I'm guessing no
Amy - no
Larna - after 9:00
Kerstin - ? guessing after 9:00
Annalise - ?
Jenni - ?
Becky - ?
I'm wondering if we should reschedule or just cancel Feb. and meet in March as usual. What does everyone think???
By the way, Larna, I posted but I don't see it on the comments - sorry - I'll try again :)
We got a new practice schedule for Savior of the World and I am free for the 12th
I would prefer to not do the 12th and go to our stake temple chapel meeting. (We seem to have this conflict 2x/year). However, if the 12th works for everyone else, I'll come. I hate for us to cancel.
As for the 19th and 26th, I'm wide open for either. If we do either of those days, I suggest in Rose Park so Larna and Kerstin can come later if they need to.
If we met at Rose Park I could meet the next week. I am scheduled to help with rehearsals from 7:00 - 8:00, but then I'm free. I really think a rehearsal with three missing is not a productive rehearsal.
I agree with Kerstin. I think we should cancel the Feb. 12th practice and move it to another day. If I have all of the information correct then Feb. 19th would have everyone except Annalise, Jenni, and Amy. Feb. 26th would have everyone but Becky if Annalisa opts to attend Gloria instead of her book club. (By the way, what book are you reading?) It looks like the 26th would work with the exception of Becky or we could just cancel Feb's practice all together and just meet on March 12th at our regularly scheduled practice. What are your opinions??? I think we should bag Feb. and just meet March 12th as usual and really discuss our songs and parts etc. with everyone there to voice an opinion. I think it would be much more productive and beneficial for our group to have everyone in attendance on March 12th. Let me know your thoughts :)
I think that we should practice on March 12th, but if we are going to add new people then they should come to the March 12th practice so they can get started learning the songs.
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