So late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning I had a dream. Gloria had been invited to audition for American Idol. I know. People aren't
invited to audition. That's why it was such an honor for Gloria. The current members of Gloria were so kind that they invited all past members to audition with them as well.
It was decided we would sing "Chocolate in My Stocking" so that way we would all be assured of being seen on camera and nobody would be behind the piano. The new members had made up a whole dance routine and new harmonies to it. The past members didn't know the routine and we didn't have time to practice. I'm not sure what the other past members were going to do but I was just going to lip sync and fake my way through it.
Our turn was called and we all got on stage and excitedly took our places. We were all in our dance position waiting for the pitch so we could start. We waited. And waited some more. Finally, our time was up and we hadn't even sung a note. We dejectedly walked off the stage knowing we'd be a part of the American Idol gag reel rather than be the stars we were meant to be. We had told all our family and friends about our good fortune but now we would only be embarrassments.
We gathered off stage, most of us in tears. One especially was in tears. Someone I didn't know. It was a new member of Gloria that I had never met. Those who knew her were gathered around consoling her. Apparently she was the one who was supposed to give the pitch for the rest of us. She explained that she just got stage fright, forgot what she was doing, and had let us all down. Everyone around was so forgiving telling her they were all scared and it was ok and not to worry . . . I was so impressed that we were all so quick to forgive for what could have been such a momentous occasion. End of dream.
I get up Thursday morning and check my emails and I see this from Shelli: "It's so great to be part of a supportive group of friends!" This very thought in various forms has been swirling around in my mind quite frequently the last couple of weeks. I just wanted to let you all know (even the ones I haven't met) I too am grateful for supportive friends. You are all an inspiration. (Even when you blow it for the rest of us on American Idol.)